Monday, November 1, 2010

The Trickers Have Come & Gone...

...and the treats have been put away.  It's November dear friends.  For us that means voting, a Thanksgiving feast, and holiday preparation.  Lots to do, lots to do.

I came across this pic today from one of my cyber friends, Stephanie Ackerman.  Her passion for life and her optimism inspite of doubt really inspire me to be a better person.  Her work is A.M.A.Z.I.N.G!  She is a self-taught "crafter-extraordinaire" but don't take my word for it.  Go take a peak at her work on her blog.  Tell her I sent you!

Most mornings she is kind enough to remind us we are all here for a reason.  Today's Facebook post was fitting for me:

Doesn't this just make you think for a second?  Wow.  She's right.  We all have that potential.  Thanks Stephanie!  You have shaped my goals for today.

Make you day extra-ordinary.  Why?  Because you can!  Happy November everyone!


stephanie said...

THANK YOU for all your your words and for sharing!