Friday, October 29, 2010

Kind Of Like Kermit The Frog...

...well...almost.  Remember how he says "it's not easy being green?"  Well, I'm not green, but it's not easy.  Being famous that is.  It's hard work.  Now, I may not be as famous as some people...Kermit, Craigy Ferg, Bon Jovi, or Queen Vanna, but I'm famous enough.  The NY girls at the store tonight knew who I was...the chic with the blonde side-ways hair.  And people tell me they read this blog-o-mine.  So, in my mind, I've got peeps.  I've got friendies.  And that makes me famous!  (Remember my tv appearance??)

In my last post I promised pics of my other Halloween layouts.  Truth be told, I forgot my camera.  All week.  I FINALLY remembered it today and was able to take these shots.  I hope you enjoy...I myself just love these layouts.  And it's all because I love My Minds Eye products.  See for yourself:

This will be the layout I use for the trick-or-treating pics I take.  These little costume people are

Their eyes just make me giggle!

My Minds rock!

Here is the second layout I did from the leftovers of the 1st.  I'm thinking I might use it for the pumpkin carving pics I'll take tomorrow:

Not too shabby for just using leftovers, huh?

Wouldn't these guys look great with some pumpkin carving photos?

Even the CROW is stinkin' cute!  Did I mention that I love this line?

I'm sad that Halloween is almost here, and that it will be over soon.  But I've got two days before it all comes to an end, so I'll see what else I can crank out before then.  And so, to all my peeps out there...HAPPY HALLO-WEENIE! 


Valley Primitives Gift Shoppe said...

Great layouts! Those little costume people are so cute. Can't wait to see them with some pictures :0)