Friday, May 15, 2009

So...It Was My Birthday...

...on Wednesday. And instead of spending the day celebrating the BIG 3-5, I was laid up with this darn illness. So NOT how I wanted to spend my day. Thankfully, my family & I have already made other plans to celebrate. Next weekend, we are combining my birthday, my hubby's birthday, Mother's Day & Father's Day and we are taking off to VT. We will leave after Andrew's game on Saturday & stay the night in Springfield, VT. Then, Sunday morning we are off to visit Burlington, VT and the famouos Ben & Jerry's factory! Yippee! I have always wanted to go! (My favorite flavor is in the "graveyard"...) We are looking forward to a weekend of fun & relaxation.

In other news, Vanna & I are getting geared up to create 2 new Scrap Can Do! kits for an exclusive NESC workshop. Be sure to visit the blog for details! We just received new shipment and can't wait to get "crafty."