Friday, May 15, 2009

So...It Was My Birthday...

...on Wednesday. And instead of spending the day celebrating the BIG 3-5, I was laid up with this darn illness. So NOT how I wanted to spend my day. Thankfully, my family & I have already made other plans to celebrate. Next weekend, we are combining my birthday, my hubby's birthday, Mother's Day & Father's Day and we are taking off to VT. We will leave after Andrew's game on Saturday & stay the night in Springfield, VT. Then, Sunday morning we are off to visit Burlington, VT and the famouos Ben & Jerry's factory! Yippee! I have always wanted to go! (My favorite flavor is in the "graveyard"...) We are looking forward to a weekend of fun & relaxation.

In other news, Vanna & I are getting geared up to create 2 new Scrap Can Do! kits for an exclusive NESC workshop. Be sure to visit the blog for details! We just received new shipment and can't wait to get "crafty."

Thursday, May 14, 2009

I'm Sick...Did You Know?

Bronchitis, major sinus infection, laryngitis, allergies. Yikes! I am on the mend, but I can tell you I am exhausted.

I have listed a couple new things in my Etsy shop this week. Here's a sneak peek:

Look for more great creations coming to my shop soon!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

New Designer Series Available @ NESC

I love putting together new layouts for our Designer Series @ the store. We had a customer request for a "baseball" themed layout. I had taken some pics of Andrew playing 1st base this past Saturday & thought the color scheme of this line from Best Creations was perfect! There are a limited number of these kits available, complete with color photo and instructions so hurry in...they won't last!